Chapter 4063 Twin Sister Devastated(Incest/Taboo):>Ep6
- I slipped my finger into the leg band of her shorts, finding she was also sans panties. Thought I had struck gold! She was really, really wet. My two fingers were instantly soaked!
- Reluctantly, I broke the kiss. "Let's go to bed. I don't want my first time with you to be on the sofa."
- We made my bedroom in as quick time as was possible considering we were pulling off shorts on the way. We hit the bed at the same time as our shirts hit the floor. She was magnificent!!! Just looking wasn't an option, though. We fell on the bed, side by side, feeling each other any and everywhere. It was so much better than feeling under her clothes. She had a hold of my cock, running her hand up and down. "You're a lot bigger than Gavin." That took me by surprise as I knew I was only about average. Gavin must be a microdick, then.